Theme Customization

Upgrade the standard of your website by customizing your WordPress theme from the professionals.

E-Commerce Store

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Plugin Development

Increase the overall performance of your website after getting the outclass plugin development service within the industry.

Hire WordPress Developers

Get a professional help with a single click and resume the future of your WordPress site in no time.

Psd To WordPress

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Migrate To Wordpress

Double up your traffic after migrating to your existing site into a brand new WordPress site with the help of an expert and proficient migrating team.

Speed Optimization

Squeeze the loading time frame of your web page from minutes to seconds.

Support And Maintenance

Make your WordPress support
and maintenance experience
effortless like never before.

WordPress SEO Services

Beat the competitors and enlist your WordPress site on the top of Google with the help of certified SEO experts.

HTML To WordPress

Become more reliable after converting your non-responsive HTML site into a blazing fast new WordPress site.

WordPress Spam Email

Never leaves any stone unturned to keep your clients satisfied through WordPress’s spam email service.

WordPress Theme Install Services

Install your WordPress theme in a far better way with complete backup support by experienced WordPress team.

Hacked WordPress Site Fix

Relax more, Grab more customers after getting the proficient WordPress site fix services.

Multisite Development Service

Expand the network, Extend the business and get an extra hold over your multisite network.

WordPress Multilingual Services

Communicate your worldwide
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WordPress Website Got Hacked, What To Do Now?

When we talk about website security and privacy the first thing that comes in our mind is WordPress because as per the recent development analysis it has been confirmed that WordPress is one of the most secure options to set a virtual platform for your business. However, sometimes the hackers use certain codes that are more powerful to break the protective layer of WordPress security that we usually call hacking. This hacking caused by several reasons that are related to your WordPress site performance. Anyhow if you are also facing this trouble and think that your site is also got hacked. Then, first of all, don’t get panic. 

As we know that hacking of a WordPress website is not that easy but if in case your site got hacked unfortunately because it is quite natural for a website owner. 

According to a recent development survey it has been stated that:

“It is an average estimation that 30,000 new websites are hacked every day because of 1′250,000 hackers who make malware”

In this tricky and awkward situation, you just need to keep a hold over the following steps that you may easily perform on your own at the initial stage regarding hacked WordPress site fix.

Identify All Web Files: 

The first and the most important part is the identification of all the web files in your WordPress site through WordPress website hacked test in order to secure your hacked site. Because this step may help you to make sure that either your site is actually hacked or not. 

Remove WordPress Malware:

In this step after the identification of the real cause go towards the removal of malware from your WordPress site due to which you are unable to fix your hacked WordPress site on your own. 

WP Configuration and Audit: 

This step of WP configuration may help you in the removal of every single infection and virus in your WordPress site. You may also perform a keen audit of your whole site with respect to the Htaccess in order to identify any coding inconsistencies. 

Secure With Brute Force Attack: 

A typical assault point on WordPress is to pound the wp-login.php record again and again until they get in or the server kicks the bucket. Each attempted endeavor is a solicitation to the server which eases back things down. 

Backup Restore Plan: 

Another chance to make your WordPress site privacy stronger is the checking of restore backup data from your site. If you become able to perform this without any error then your site is as good as Golden Apple. 

In the end, there is a pro tip for you guys that if in case you become confused or unable to perform the above-mentioned step then just go for professional help. Those who are experts in this field may save your time and provide you the guaranteed results in one go. 

Till then stay tuned with us to get more relevant updates in the future as we are here to provide the most significant information to you. Keep comment below to share your reviews on the above context and don’t forget to bookmark us.

What You Would Get After Making Your Site Free From Malware & Viruses In One Go?

As a WordPress website owner, there is a lot to deal with on a daily basis but one of the most hectic and exhausting things to experience is to make your WordPress site freeform virus and malware. If you are willing to execute your CMS through a proposed and strategic platform then to attain this goal no doubt WordPress is the easiest tool or medium to run your business on a global scale. However, sometimes due to the high exposure of clients and customers on the same platform the chances of hacking also increase on your WordPress site.

Now if you are thinking about your hacked WordPress site then you don’t need to worry about it as much. Because there is a complete guideline that you may easily implement step by step through our previous article in order to avoid any sort of mishap in the future. 

According to recent research following are the mind-blowing WordPress hacked statistics that you must know: 

“Approximately $6 trillion is expected to be spent globally on cybersecurity by 2021. Whilst more than 93% of healthcare organizations have experienced a data breach over the past three years”

Not only this there are still some more facts to explore: 

“66% of businesses attacked by hackers weren’t confident they could recover. And 73% of black hat hackers said traditional firewall and antivirus security is irrelevant or obsolete”

Now perhaps all these facts if you are still thinking that what a virus and malware-free site would get you in the future then here is a list of foremost advantages that you may experience after implementing our previously discussed strategies over your WordPress site. 

Control Your Budget: 

One of the most competitive advantages of a virus and malware-free site is that you may easily control your budget for a whole year. This is because when you are facing trouble in your WordPress site regarding the hacking and virus, malware you have to spend a handsome amount of money in order to rectify your overall website performance. 

Increase Business Growth: 

If you are seeking to experience the real growth and potential of your business then you must maintain a balance in your WordPress privacy and security by making it free from viruses and all sorts of malware. Because due to this you may actually lose a large number of potential customers in one go. 

Improves Customer Reviews: 

When your WordPress website is running in a smooth manner then the first thing that you would notice is the positive feedback and reviews from the side of your valuable customers. Due to this benefit, you may also get a hold over a bunch of recommendations with respect to your business. 

Maintain Site Updates: 

While maintaining a hold over your WordPress website through different antivirus and software you are actually updating your site performance on a daily basis. That’s why it is an important aspect to maintain a surplus in your website’s security besides its most essential thing is to sustain a surplus regarding all the updates of your WordPress site for a long period of time. 

Authentication Update: 

You will get the authentication on a monthly basis with the related maintenance reports of your WordPress site. It helps you to encrypt a user’s personal information. Whereas,  improves the overall SEO ranking of your business through a well-maintained and virus or malware free WordPress site.

In the end, don’t freeze in the event that your WordPress site is hacked There are a number of experts in a market that possesses exceptional assistance that will tidy up any Hacked WordPress site and take it from grimy and hazardous to spotless and make sure about it.

Till then stay tuned with us to get more relevant updates in the future as we are here to provide the most significant information to you. Keep comment below to share your reviews on the above context and don’t forget to bookmark us.

Precautions In Order To Avoid The Mishap of Hacked WordPress Site In The Future

If you are a WordPress website owner then probably the most annoying thing that you face on a monthly basis is the attacks from hackers on your site. Making it free from hackers is another sort of tough task from which every website owner has to pass. After making it free from the attackers you are actually opening the door of unlimited opportunities that would help you to attain a peak in your business growth in all aspects. Almost a large number of website owners attempt or implement the possible and the prescribed precaution in order to make their website free from hackers. 

Here are some mind-blowing website hacking statistics that are enough to motivate you to take every possible precaution in order to secure your WordPress site. 

“There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds whilst 62% experienced phishing & social engineering attacks. 59% of companies experienced malicious code and botnets and 51% experienced denial of service attacks”

These do not even stop here because, 

“Since COVID-19, the US FBI reported a 300% increase in reported cybercrimes. And the global average cost of a data breach is $3.9 million across SMBs”

After getting enough information from the above-mentioned facts and figures here are the expert’s prescribed guidelines or techniques that you could easily implement over your WordPress website by making it free from any hacker attack in the future. 

Stay Update: 

The first and foremost step to make your site super secure in terms of privacy is that you must stay awake regarding every single update in your WordPress site. No matter how much time it takes but you should pay attention to this task just make sure to update your security features and setting in advance. 

Keep An Eye Over Network Security: 

However, if your website server details are not credentials or you may provide the same information to the other individuals then make sure to keep an eye over your network security likewise:

  • Change your password time to time
  • Never use the weak password, go for a strong one instead.
  • Scan all the attached devices before connecting it to the server. 

Install Anti-Virus Software: 

There are a number of anti-virus and malware software that are available in the market through which you may easily get a hold over your website security maintenance. In case if you are installing them then make sure to choose reliable and top-rated software because sometimes unreliable software may also increase the chances of hackers attacking. 

Secure admin Pages: 

In case if your admin pages are easy to access after the user login step then always remember to hide it or update your security functions over it by adding the robots_txt file feature in it. This technique may also help you to hide it from the listening due to which the chances of attacking your WordPress site automatically decreases. 

Avoid Unlimited File Uploads: 

Most of the time a common mistake that WordPress site owner makes is the unlimited file upload over the website. This may increase the chances of your site being hacked by the attackers. This may also help them to get access to your personal or private data files that are extremely confidential for your business. 

In the end, in case you ever get stuck at any point then just make sure to seek advice or help from the experts who are professional in this industry or you may also contact us for further information. 

Till then stay tuned with us to get more relevant updates in the future as we are here to provide the most significant information to you. Keep comment below to share your reviews on the above context and don’t forget to bookmark us.

Don’t Get Panic, Find These 10 Outclass WordPress Hacked Fix Service Providers Around You

If we say that WordPress is the most pioneer option to run up your business then there is nothing wrong to say that because it is actually has been proved by the business analysts throughout the world. Perhaps this higher level of sustainability there is still a number of drawbacks that you may count in the accounting of WordPress from which the main and the most common is WordPress hacking. Although it is not that easy to hack a sit it is actually possible to hack a WordPress through the different panels of software to undertake it no matter how old or reliable a site is. There are always some certain points that are open and act as an open door for hackers that are keenly watching a website to hack.

However, fixing a hacked WordPress site is not enough because it requires complete support and maintenance to make it more secure so that you may not face the same trouble in your future. If you are also willing to know that how to maintain a complete check and balance of your WordPress site so that you may focus more on your business and serve your clients better by implementing your proposed strategies through an online platform. 

If you are asking the same question to yourself that my WordPress site keeps getting hacked. Then Here are the 10 outclass WordPress hacked fix service providers around you that would surely help you get an outflank results regarding your website fixing. 


WPfied possesses a professional and qualified team of WordPress developers that utilize the most recent website composition innovation combined with rich and imaginative structure components to put your business in decent light after fixing your hacked WordPress site. They are always here to support your business with limelight that rather your WordPress site got hacked or you want to make it secure in order to avoid this mishap in the future.

Site Guard: 

If you are running a bit late then there is not a single foremost option except site Guard. Their team always provides you a free hand in the urgent WordPress cleanup without disturbing your end-users. 


In order to restore your personal and confidential data from your hacked WordPress site you just need a professional likewise Wordfence. You don’t even know that it actually posses more than 1 million active installed plugins.

Site Guarding: 

In this modern era, most of the IT companies are seeking help in regards to the operation and website management in order to make it more secure for being hacked. It helps to fix your hacked website within 1-3 hours. 


One of the most professional website hacked fixers within an industry is Astra that believes in the quality services that include phishing, hijacking, defacements, blacklist, SEO spam, and other threats. Astra always assures to recover your site if it is showing signs of hacking.

One Hour Site Fix: 

One Hour Site Fix is a well-known name in the field of website security if you are willing to attain a surplus in your web security. It mainly deals in  Infrastructure protection, data security and privacy, advanced fraud protection, application security, application security, security intelligence and analytics, and etc. 


MalCare is a web security service provider that mainly deals in far most every sort of security and hacked WordPress website fixing within a short period of time. It usually requires your user login information without changing a bit on your website. 


According to recent research: 

“More than 80% of the total online websites are exposed to online security issues”

Sucuri is well known for its large number of plugins that are quite helpful to make a WordPress website more secure than ever. 

Site Lock: 

In order to make an outflank in your virtual business, it is essential to make it clear from the outside attackers. In this regards Site Lock is responsible to serve as a bridge between you and your valuable customers through proper website management by making it free from hackers and all sorts of malware that leads to damage to your brand equity.


For all the WordPress website owners no doubt HackRepair is one of the most reliable options. It assures you to secure your website from the hackers for a long period of time with end to end support and maintenance. 

In the end, in case you ever get stuck at any point then just make sure to avoid any sort of panic and seek advice or help from the experts who are professional in this industry or you may also contact us for further information. 

Till then stay tuned with us to get more relevant updates in the future as we are here to provide the most significant information to you. Keep comment below to share your reviews on the above context and don’t forget to bookmark us.

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How To Make Your WordPress Site Free From Hackers?

Maintaining a surplus in your business through the virtual platform is easy somehow but if we talk about the WordPress website maintenance and security then it is not that easy to do. There are a number of reasons that males this job or task tougher but the most casual one is WordPress website hacking. Most of the website owners face this trouble once in their month probably after putting every single effort to avoid this mishap. If you are also facing this trouble then don’t get panic or rush around because it’s quite normal and as a website owner you may easily deal with this by yourself. 

One of the most unfortunate things that you would notice in this regard is that you may not be able to identify this trouble immediately by yourself on the initial stage that’s why all you can do is to make every possible precaution in order to avoid this mishap in future. 

“62% experienced phishing & social engineering attacks. 59% of companies experienced malicious code and botnets and 51% experienced denial of service attacks”

Not only this there some more eye-opening facts for you to get more knowledge likewise: 

“Approximately $6 trillion is expected to be spent globally on cybersecurity by 2021”

Afterward from all these facts and figures if you are also willing to save your business in the account of saving your WordPress site then the following are the possible precautions that would help you out from this awkward and annoying situation in the future. All you need to do is to make sure to follow the mentioned guidelines in a proposed and subconscious way to avoid this question my WordPress website hacked?. 

  • Check your hosting and domain provider first on a daily basis if possible this would help you to analyze your website’s current performance. 
  • Make sure to protect and secure wp-config.php that is present at your WordPress site at that time. 
  • Disable the editing option from your WordPress dashboard because they may lead to handover your website open for the other hackers or attackers. 
  • Always set your directory permission carefully because this technique would surely set your brand standard apparently but perhaps this fact it would also increase the chances of hacking. 
  • If you are running a website in which the major part is based upon images then first of all pay for that images by yourself in the account of your website otherwise block all the hotlinking. 
  • Don’t get confused for your server programming it will allow the attackers to load your server more rapidly that provides a helping hand to hack your WordPress site. 
  • Set a smart lockdown update on your website that would help you to restrict the end-users if they ever try to hack your WordPress site. 
  • Utilize the two-factor authentication in order to secure your WordPress website in all aspects for a long period of time. 
  • Rename your login URL from time to time to make sure of the privacy and security of your WordPress site. 
  • Make a habit to change your WordPress password right after four or three months this would help you to maintain a security standard in it. 
  • In order to encrypt your personal or professional database utilize SSL (Secure Socket Layer) while transferring the data from the server to your website. 
  • Add another account with care because after allowing this option you are providing access to your admin panel that is actually an alarming thing if the concerned person is new for you. 
  • Monitor all of your current files and make backups regularly to secure your WordPress website

After following the above guidelines we are pretty sure to confirm that you would maintain a surplus in your WordPress privacy and security. If in case of unable to find any way in this regard then feel free to contact the professional help around you or ask from us. 

Till then stay tuned with us to get more relevant updates in the future as we are here to provide the most significant information to you. Keep comment below to share your reviews on the above context and don’t forget to bookmark us.